MBA & EMBA Admission

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MBA & EMBA Admission


Programs Admission requirements Admission procedure
  • Possession of a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent in any discipline.

  • Attainment of a total of 6 points across SSC/equivalent, HSC/equivalent, and Bachelor’s/equivalent. However, a CGPA below 2.5 or a 3rd Division/Class in any public examination is not permissible.
Approval from the coordinator of the MBA & EMBA Program following a viva voce examination and admission process. APPLY

Application Fee Payment Procedure
  • Possession of a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent in any discipline.

  • Attainment of a total of 6 points across SSC/equivalent, HSC/equivalent, and Bachelor’s/equivalent. However, a CGPA below 2.5 or a 3rd Division/Class in any public examination is not permissible.

  • Completion of a minimum of three years of work experience.

Details of the program cost

Table 1: Points for SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent
Certificate/Degree GPA/Div./Class ≥ 3.75/1st GPA/Div./Class ≥ 2.50 & < 3.75/2nd
SSC or Equivalent 3 2
HSC or Equivalent 3 2
Table 2: Points for Bachelors and Master's Degree
Certificate/Degree GPA/Div./Class ≥ 3.00/1st GPA/Div./Class ≥ 2.50 & < 3.00/2nd
Bachelor's Degree (3-year Pass course) 3 2
Bachelor's Degree (4-year Honors) 4 3
Master's Degree 1 1
Table 3: Cost per course after tuition fee waiver
Sl. No. Points Cost/Course (Regular students) Cost/Course (UAP Graduates)
1 9 points 50% waiver = 6,750 per course 55% waiver = 6,075 per course
2 8 points 45% waiver = 7,425 per course 50% waiver = 6,750 per course
3 7 points 40% waiver = 8,100 per course 45% waiver = 7,4255 per course

Total Cost of MBA program

SL No. Particulars Fees (Tk)
1 Application Processing Fee 1,200
2 Admission Fee 19,000
3 Library Fee 3,000
4 Computer Lab Fee 3,000
Total Admission Fee Tk. 26,200
5 Course Fee (13,500 x 20) 2,70,000
6 Internship Fee 10,000
7 Convocation Fee 6,000
Total regular cost without tuition fee waiver 3,12,200
Cost of MBA Program with tuition fees waiver:
With 40% waiver = 26,200 + (8,100 × 20 = 1,62,000) + 16,000 = Tk. 2,04,200
With 45% waiver = 26,200 + (7,425 × 20 = 1,48,500) + 16,000 = Tk. 1,90,700
With 50% waiver = 26,200 + (6,750 × 20 = 1,35,000) + 16,000 = Tk. 1,77,200
With 55% waiver = 26,200 + (6,075 × 20 = 1,21,500) + 16,000 = Tk. 1,63,700

* Additionally, students may receive a maximum course waiver for 10 foundation courses. As a result, the cost of the MBA program will be reduced by the equivalent of 10 courses.

Total Cost of EMBA program

SL No. Particulars Fees (Tk)
1 Application Processing Fee 1,200
2 Admission Fee 19,000
3 Library Fee 3,000
4 Computer Lab Fee 3,000
Total Admission Fee Tk. 26,200
5 Course Fee (15,000 x 14) 2,10,000
6 Convocation Fee 6,000
Total regular cost without tuition fee waiver 2,42,200
Cost of EMBA Program with tuition fees waiver:
With 40% waiver = 26,200 + (9,000 × 14 = 1,26,000) + 6,000 = Tk. 1,58,200
With 45% waiver = 26,200 + (8,250 × 14 = 1,15,500) + 6,000 = Tk. 1,47,700
With 50% waiver = 26,200 + (7,500 × 14 = 1,05,000) + 6,000 = Tk. 1,37,200
With 55% waiver = 26,000 + (6,750 × 14 = 94,500) + 6,000 = Tk. 1,26,700

* Additionally, students may receive a maximum course waiver for 6 foundation courses. As a result, the cost of the EMBA program will be reduced by the equivalent of 6 courses.

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